This button is labeled Execute Actions and it is appropriately named because it will run through each email in the Test grid and execute the actions based on the rule that put it there … moving emails to folders, marking with categories, etc. Once the grid of emails is completely filled in, a button at the bottom of the grid becomes enabled. Notice the date column – all these emails are older than two weeks from the date of this blog post. Results after running the test, showing me all the emails this rule will apply to. This brings me to the rule conditions window, where I add the If From Contains condition: I start by clicking on the Add Rule button, then since this rule is going to be for the Inbox we select incoming emails. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, so it’s a great time to get started. They can be useful for a time, but after a while they build up in my Inbox and cause clutter so I want to automatically delete these emails after they are two weeks old. These notification emails let me know when a user has changed their password, or a new user has just registered on the site. In this example, I’ve been meaning to clean up my Inbox by deleting notification emails from our WordPress site. You simply select one or more rules from the main grid and click the Test button. When you create an Outlook rule in the Timed Email Organizer, wouldn’t it be nice if you could test the rule to see which emails it would affect if it runs, but not actually run anything? That’s what the Test rules feature is all about. We filled out the rule together and then he remarked “ Ok, now I’ll just wait until an email arrives with that To address then look in the folder to make sure it’s working.” I said “ Hold on, why don’t you just run the rule as a test?” He didn’t know what I was talking about and so I showed him how to create and test rules in Outlook – just like I’ll show you now. Shortly after the article was published, a customer called wanting to know how to create a rule that would move the email to a folder if the To field held a particular address.

Last time I wrote about the Timed Email Organizer, when the new automatic reply and auto forward actions were added.