All characters lego lord of the rings
All characters lego lord of the rings

all characters lego lord of the rings

  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: In the first game he starts as Gandalf "the Grey" before later becoming Gandalf "the White", and unlike the movies he definitely didn't Came Back Strong.
  • Astonishingly, despite Boromir looking in Frodo's general direction the whole time, he never seems to notice what's going on.
  • With Catlike Tread: During the Amon Hen mission segment, Frodo evades Boromir using such surreptitious techniques as felling a tree and using its pieces to assemble a giant, boulder-hurling catapult.
  • This is for the player's benefit only as far as all the other characters are concerned, he's completely invisible.
  • Visible Invisibility: When Frodo is wearing the Ring and the player is not playing as Frodo, a faint outline of him is visible.
  • Completing this area without being caught by Boromir unlocks an achievement.
  • So Much for Stealth: The Amon Hen mission begins with Frodo (with the Ring on) attempting to evade Boromir, and thanks to the invisibility conferred by the Ring, the ploy works quite well unless you step in the grassy patch that Boromir is standing in.
  • (In contrast to the books and films, Frodo is the only character in the game with this cloak.) It isn't true invisibility as much as disguise: he generally takes on the appearance of a shrub or a crate.
  • Invisibility Cloak: Obtains one in Lothlórien.
  • It's only after the Gollum boss battle, the end of which sees the One Ring destroyed, that Sam's efforts to save him push Frodo to regain his ability to run and jump, just in time for their need to escape the now-erupting volcano.
  • Injured Player Character Stage: Once he reaches Mount Doom, Frodo has went through so much physical and mental exhaustion that for most of the final level, he can only stumble slowly while being utterly incapable of jumping.
  • However, while Bilbo is carrying a walking stick, Frodo isn't, and the stick is never seen again.
  • Hammerspace: If you use Frodo to open the chest containing Sting in "The Troll Hoard" from The Hobbit, he jimmies it open with a walking stick, like Bilbo.
  • Got Volunteered: Like in the movie, Gandalf put forward the idea of Frodo leading the Fellowship.
  • Continuity Nod: When free-playing through the first scene of the "The Troll Hoard" level in The Hobbit, Frodo is the only character besides Bilbo who can open the chest containing Sting.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: His "Shire" version representing him before the adventure is completely devoid of items no matter how far you go in the story, while his "Orc Disguise" and "Weary" variants are just alternate costumes for his regular self.

  • All characters lego lord of the rings